People kill, Guns
and America's lack of policies are the motivational Force!
Within the past decade, over 1- million Americans have been shot and killed by guns of some sort. For Black Americans, it’s a fate which is bordering on their extinction, unless our government and its’ citizens intervene.
By Bruce T. Osborne, Sr. | BUTO Magazine | July 17, 2024
If you think guns are the answer, this may be your reality. Nothing solves problems better than communication, education, fairness, empathy, and true brotherly love. Anything else becomes a battle in darkness.
Americans have purchased more than 60 million guns between 2020 and 2022 according to [The], with about 1.4 million guns sold in April of 2023 alone, Why?
Gun violence is destroying families across America, and it’s at epidemic proportions within the Black community. As a Black American and a father of a Black male, this issue is very personal for me. Most of what I see government doing to help ameliorate the pressing issues in the Black community is heartbreaking, due its empty promises and do nothing attitude.
Gun violence is cutting-down a countless number of young Black individuals in their prime while America watches. It is a disproportionate crisis faced by Black America, largely due to the government’s lack of interest. It is a horrific scar on the United States that has been ongoing for decades — wiping out literally tens of thousands of young Black boys. The perpetrators of these shootings and murders are mainly young Black males killing other Black males resulting from a poor and unfair educational system, drug turf wars, gang violence, racial segregation, profiling, and governmental disinvestment in urban communities.
The majority of these tragic incidents with guns involve young Black males taking the lives of their peers and anyone else who happens to be in the vicinity of these shootouts is due, “in part,” to them being disillusioned and lacking self-esteem. Black boys are battling today’s unjust and racist system through violent and corrupt means. The use of handgun violence is the only tools and strategy they have as a result of being isolated and discarded by family and friends, alongside of America’s inattention for Black boys future.
The mantra for young Black boys in urban America is to “win by any means necessary,” even if it involves guns and murder. It’s a motto that must be met with compassion, understanding, equal justice, and fairness across the board in order to change Black boys mindset for the better — as these fearless [B]lack boys see no other option for a meaningful life.
Blacks are killed a little more than twice the rate of white males (2.6 times higher). In 2021, 15,290 Blacks people were murdered by gun violence in America, making it the highest number on record thus far. Young Black boys between the ages of 15-34 experience the highest rates of gun homicides across all demographics. They are more than ten times more likely to die from a firearm homicide than white men and boys of the same age group, according to ( Unfortunately, the United State’s government has not taken the necessary steps for real change in addressing the alarming number of senseless deaths of Black men/boys.
The Mothers continue to cry out for justice and redress of the constant scourge of gun violence which threatens their children, family, and communities’ fundamental rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, the government continues to refuse to hear the cries and answer their prayers—prayers for peace and a complete cessation of the countless murders of Black men and boys at the hands of gun violence. It is imperative to reduce the number of firearms in this country as this is a human rights issue of enormous proportion that has caused an unacceptable risk to public safety everywhere.
Black boy have a natural desire and the abilities to achieve greatness. However, when America and society erect barriers to that success tract, they like America’s past “Robber Barons,” become ruthless, violent, and unscrupulous. It is far better to better educate and treat Black boys and all people “equally” with respect and fairness for a better America and world.
I have a personal, moral, and compassionate desire to stop the gun violence and the targeting of [B]lack males in every aspect of their lives — whether it be Black-on-Black violence, illegal police shootings, accidental death by a gun, etc. It’s just too many valuable members of the Black community lost too early, with no plans in place by the American government or those in leadership positions to stop the bleeding and carnage. Society and the government appears to have turned a blind eye to Black men/boys, and the escalating number of deaths of Blacks by firearms: hand-guns, rifles, semi-automatic submachine guns, shotguns, and others.
Regrettably, this neglect of Black individuals in America, especially that of Black males is not new. Specifically, Black men living in urban America have faced this type of neglect and discrimination targeting Black men and boys since slavery, when the framers of the United States Constitution designated Black’s/African’s as three-fifths of a person rather than full citizens in states populations.
One of the reasons why those in our government are now trying to suppress the history of Blacks in schools through the elimination of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives is to reinforce and perpetuate America’s historical past. It reflects the racist agenda of Project-25 and the white elites seeking to maintain their comfortable existence and values by preventing Blacks and ethnic minorities from rising to prominence or, achieving equality. [This evil is not the workings of all white individuals, and is only relegated to those who still believe in the cast system and white dominance.]
Black history teaches us about the horrors of the past and its pitfalls, which are now being repeated, but this time under the cloak of darkness and disguise. During the 1787 Constitutional Convention among political delegates, it was agreed through comprise that three out of every five slaves would be counted as they determined a state’s total population for legislative purposes and that of taxation ( and perspectives of Slavery was Satan’s prize possession given to the oppressors, rapist, murderers, and colonizers of Africans and African Americans. “The framers of the Constitution later became conflicted and embarrassed about the institution of slavery and collectively decided to avoid using the label of ‘slavery’ again in the document. Instead, it refers to enslaved individuals as “persons held to service or labor” in Article I, Section 2, and mentions “the importation of such persons” in Article I, Section 9.
Many framers, including those who owned slaves themselves — such as James Madison, often referred to as the Father of the Constitution — benefited from slave labor. Over time, they began to view slavery as morally wrong and believed that the act would ultimately die out in the years to come. As a result, the framers extracted all such mention of the wordage: “slave” or “slavery” from the Constitution so not to stain their legacy or that of the document itself. “I believe the ‘framers’ of the Constitution underestimated the enduring impact of their actions with respect to slavery, thinking that descendants of enslaved people would not remember the abuses, tortures, and murders of innocent Africans and Blacks forcibly taken from their homeland to live in servitude, all to enrich white elites.”
“Sadly, but consistently true, the framers amended their original document to ad better protection against the discrimination faced by Black people; yet, racism and discrimination continue. Unfortunately, a large number of political and corporate leaders, since the framers’ revisions to the Constitution, still adopt many of the original discriminatory practices today — applying them in a different format — but nevertheless they are still lethal, harmful, and discriminatory. This result is evident in the unbalanced incarceration rate of Black men, high Black unemployment, undereducated Black youth, mentally challenged Black men and boys, and the disproportionate murder rate of Black males today, in [2023] compared to other male groups in America.”
It is “devastatingly unfortunate” that the Black male population is still overwhelmingly overlooked by the ruling class of politicians, corporate leadership, and the wealthy individuals in America who pull the purse-strings of the “Movers and Shakers” in the United States. It says a lot about how this country really value diversity and Black life. Many of these White corporate, political, and some religious aristocracies have earned their wealth “literally” on the backs of Black males but now find Black men not cost-effective, and have abandoned them for newer immigrants from a multitude of countries.
Black males to this day, continue to suffer from degradation, capital denial, despair, insufficient or no housing, lack of a good job with decent wages, a poor educational system, and an almost nonexistent medical and health insurance program. This is a population that continue to be denied the simplest of humanity. How does one expect today’s [B]lack youth to act in the face of being abandoned by just about everyone in society?
Although, I have personally enjoyed a decent education and had a good career, I could never consider myself successful or prosperous until all the people in this country have made it—including poor whites. Because racism, gun violence, hate, and the vast number of indiscriminate murders are unnecessary, despicable, unholy, and a direct result of an unfair and unbalanced system of governance that touches every culture and nationality in this country and beyond.
Those who now instigate protest and war on America and its social and political policies “which appear to have proclivities to exclusively devalue and obstruct the progress of Black males” and their communities, are a direct result of America’s blind denial to take supportive action to address the needs of these lost and forgotten citizens (Black males).
It is believed to make the much needed change in Washington, DC, there must be extensive modifications in the leadership—which appears to be getting more corrupt everyday. Maybe if terms limits were install for elected officials in Washington, DC it would, at least, bring in a host of new, diverse, and younger people into the process to take a stab at correcting the ills brought about by their predecessors. Young people today, both Black and white, appear to connect better with each other in a more meaningful, nonracial, and noncombative manner. It’s a move which will make for a more conciliatory and dynamic system of governance that is spirited, energetic, positive, and determined to create new ideas of benefit to a cross section of America’s population.
“I don’t agree with violence, pilfering of others, or causing pain to innocent bystanders or retailers trying to make a living. Although, I do understand the need, frustration, and anger of the forgotten citizens. The neglected Black community and ethnic minorities in American society often feel they have absolutely nothing to live for and may do whatever is necessary to survive. Even if it means killing [YOU]. So why not all of us as humans work together in a more cohesive and harmonious fashion to prevent these unwelcoming eruptions from occurring in the first place.”
These young Black boys feel they have [No] real opportunity for a better life due to systemic racism and classism. Essentially, they (society’s downtrodden or as Hillary Clinton stated: the deplorables), are invisible until they perform some noncompliant act to be seen or feed themselves and their family.
As an observation: Splashing a few successful Black celebrities, newscasters, women business owners, and athletes on TV, in glossy print magazines, or other spaces are great, and I’m sure some of the Black celebrities and members of the Black community are very appreciative. However, for the vast majority of Blacks locked into the cycle of poverty, it does absolutely nothing! It does not resonate with their children’s empty stomachs or their inability to secure decent housing, nutritional meals, healthcare, education, or a career with a more than adequate livable wage.
Why can’t America see and understand the poor, in particular [B]lack men, and the cause for their suffering? Black men seek the same measure of stability and economic redress as the middle-class bourgeois and that of the opulent society — (the ostentatiously rich and self-indulgent individuals in the American culture).
It is so perplexing to me and any right-thinking individuals that they in our government don’t seem recognize or understand the direct correlation between fairness in opportunity, economics, and educational prosperity. Or, is our government’s blindness a deliberate scheme to marginalize not only Black boys, but that of all undesirable ethnic minorities in the “Good Old USA?” I really hope not.
It’s a fact, if “White Americans” were killing each other by guns at the same alarming rate as Black males in America, the United States Government would have immediately moved to stop the homicides and shootings through multiple stoppage measures and strategies. Why? Because to them, the powers that be, it’s a matter of prioritizing inclusion for those they value and desire to allocate the peoples collective governmental resources toward, and Black males often don’t make the grade of reaching “some” of White America’s desired standards.
Why can’t we as a nation of civilized [God-fearing] citizens try harder to be more equitable in the distribution of opportunities for the less fortunate in society? For example, rather than spending so much time and money on rehashing the endless rhetorical January 6 Hearings, our government can focus on establishing more affordable mental health facilities across the country for those inflicted with mental disorders before they become a problem to society (like so many involved in the January 6 debacle).
Those in our government might also give priority to the creation of a National Housing Strategy that is “structurally sound, community safe and sanitary (absent the rodents and filth)” by installing mandatory conditional maintenance, as well as property upkeep training, monthly meetings where people work together to generate solutions to complex community problems before they get out-of-hand. (Keeping in mind, initially no one knew how to take care of their acquired property. You either had the financial resources to hire someone, or had to be trained. Everything begins and ends with education.)
Closing the educational gap for Black children/boys will reduce the urge for violence, gang membership, and guns in America. It will not only make the Black community more stable and safe, but ultimately make America and the world stronger.
The department of education needs to rethink some of their foolish school laws and experiments, and untie teachers hands so they can actually do the business of teaching and educating America’s children before it’s too late.
America had better realize that the underdeveloped nations of the world are fast becoming highly educated and ready to challenge America on a myriad of political, economic, and military endeavors. Plus, an educated youth becomes too smart to associate with gangs, experiment with illegal drugs, or use guns in the commission of a crime. By educating Black youth, it is a win, win for all involved.
The relationship between the child and the teacher is analogous to that of the parent and child relationship, so why not provide teacher a bit of leverage in the classroom? Today we are asking our children to do what we never had to, which is to raise themselves without direction or support. Children love “positive and meaningful” discipline, direction, and encouragement.
School administrators in charge of the teacher and student policies have made it difficult for teachers to gain control of their classrooms for either personal reasons or fear of lawsuits by disgruntle parents, and community groups with hidden agendas. Resulting in students not getting the attention, or discipline required to move forward in a positive fashion.
Our children are like sponges, absorbing mountains of information in hopes of becoming productive and better global citizens with the “proper” training and instruction. When we (the adults) extract love, faith, and common sense discipline from the regiment in a child’s life, we invite the street elements in: the guns, illegal drugs, bullying, inner-city gang violence, mass shootings, and hate related thoughts engendered by online racist, hate groups and cults.
It’s not the children’s policies which are creating the problems in education and society today. It’s all these educational nuances, discrimination, inequity, and educational constructs like the ubiquitous “Restorative Justice System” by so-called lofty thinkers. Some, who couldn’t thread a needle if their life depended on it.
The “Restorative Justice System in Education” is this new National school policy now used as an alternative to the use of corrective discipline for holding students accountable for their negative actions and behavior. These ridiculous policies of (making friends and focusing on social and emotional learning) have been installed by individuals seeking to make their job easier, indoctrination of one’s personal belief system onto the child early on — twisting students thoughts and conditioning their behavior to mirror theirs, while reducing possible lawsuits and costly legal disputes.
The idea of not disciplining youth — to the widespread belief of the wannabe “Einstein’s” — are most problematic, to say the least. Please excuse my comedic banter and my directness, I only seek to speak [Truth to Power]. In doing so, I sometimes utilize jovial comedic expressions to make the truth more palpable for those it’s aimed towards in hopes of penetrating their quite apparent menial and knee-high to a grasshopper thoughts, concepts, and mental block.
Concomitantly, even the [Bible] speaks of “Not Spearing the Rod.” (Proverbs 29:17) says to parents: “Discipline your child and he/she/and now the ubiquitous other, will give you rest; he/she/other will afford you delight in your heart.” A Scripture from (Proverbs 13:24), reads: “He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him, is [careful] to discipline him.” Careful: meaning to not commit child abuse but send a message that him/her/other is not bad. It is the negative action, and/or behavior which is wrong and in need of correction. Thereby, instilling in the child, him/her/other is a good person.
By separating the person from the negative behavior is to not damage the child’s self-esteem — by simply pointing to the questionable act as the problem alone. America’s children need structure and require lessons in respect, moral integrity, empathy, and community. There is not a person in America or anywhere in the world who have, or can lift themselves up by their own bootstraps. It can’t be done physically or metaphorically. Impossible! So, lets refrain from requesting or implying that our children do so.
Today’s teachers’ must possess the ability to take a leadership role as if school students are their own during the course of students’ arduous journey toward finding their inner meaning to life’s many treasures while in school. Parents must learn to have “watchful” trust in these educators to do the right-thing as they would for their own child. It is the only way this educational process can work, and for students to find real meaning in their lives.
If a teacher is caught applying too harsh of discipline, or not communicating with parents regarding the incident, discipline applied or the student’s behavior, the [teacher’s] inaction must be addressed with swift and certain corrective measures. The administrator with knowledge of the incident, and whom have not followed through with all the parties involved, in an expedient fashion, must be dealt with as well—as educating students’ is a cooperative venture. With policies like these, it will serve as a reminder to students, parents, teachers, and administrators that negative behavior and inaction will not be tolerated by anyone.
The restructuring of the teacher, administrator, parent, and child relationship is a “trust mechanism” and a “cooperating joint project,” with the teacher sitting in the driver’s seat. Why must the “Educational Pyramid” be inverted? Because it is the teacher who has the most hands-on upfront knowledge of the students’ educational abilities, coupled with their compounded hourly experience with students on a daily basis, (sometimes even more than a child’s time home with parents, as many parents work and have long hours).
Let’s all of us be a part of America’s solution and not its problem! Neither one of us engaged in the process of educating today’s youth are their friends. We are either a loving and nurturing parent, a teaching or administrative professional, with the responsibility of educating and helping student navigate through the learning process. We, together can reduce the desire for gun ownership, violence, discrimination, bullying, and mass shootings in our schools and society through exhibiting more love, respect, and exposing everyone; regardless of race, gender, color, or ethnic background to a better a more equitable education.
Today’s media have vastly contributed toward the disturbing behavior of Black boys and men in this now burgeoning violent society. When you bombard the media [unfairly] with the images of Black boys and men doing the most horrific deeds over and over again, you are planting seeds of duplication. People become their thoughts through the images, words, and experience they are exposed to on a daily basis. Try and change the message for a better result. Support Black youth and ethnic minorities at home and globally. Stop the demonization of Black boys and their fathers!
Do for America and Americans the same in which is done for those outside this great country. For example, let’s visit the Russian debacle with Ukraine. As Vladimir Putin, the fiery Russian autocratic leader, who initiated a raging war without cause or real purpose on Ukraine, a democratic neighboring country – killing thousands and destroying scores of personal and real properties. America did not think twice, moving quickly to give the Ukrainian government expensive weapons, military guidance and strategy, piles of the U.S. people’s tax money, and a solemn promise to support Ukraine until they’re victorious. Which is not a problem because Ukraine a sovereign national state, and is an extremely vital resource for America and its people.
Ukraine is an important strategic partner and friend of the U.S. government. They are one of the largest suppliers of minerals like titanium. In 2022, Ukraine disseminated $37 million dollars of titanium ore to America, making it the second-largest destination for Ukraine’s exports after the Czech Republic. (Titanium is a highly sought after element that is used in surgical applications such as joint replacements, and tooth implants due to its connectivity to bone, and in the construction of aircraft and other automotive properties.) Ukraine also provides the U.S. with Sunflower Oil and entry to its distribution portal on the Black Sea, which is the greatest sea port among all the countries — among so many other extraordinary benefits.
For this reason, I understand the U.S. governments position, so long as America handles its business here as well. Specifically, the Black people in the USA contributed towards the war in Ukraine via their tax dollars, but its government (USA) provided the troubled and distraught community of African Americans what amounts to a handful of peanuts for a vast raging war right here in America’s backyard [the urban cities spread across this nation]. Cities where thousands of Black citizens, in particular, Black boys are incarcerated, maimed or murdered every day. Leaving mothers left weeping and having the feeling of emptiness, and fathers distraught and hopeless as their loved ones (their legacy) dreams to rise and live a fulfilling life of greatness are shattered by senseless gun violence.
Urban America’s war is wiping out whole communities; families, and the most precious gem of all, the Black children/youth who are aimlessly massacred daily across this country. (“America, Black Lives does Matter as well as all Lives — “Equally!”) So yes, gun violence is not only personal but it’s also in my face, your face, our face, America’s face… every day! It is destroying America’s perception around the globe of being this utopian nation of laws, fairness, respectful, loving, trusting, inclusive, and a country of high moral standards.
Contrary to what some may think and attempt to twist this article by framing it to be by some Black nationalist, it’s not. My writing this story is solely due to my seeing so many “young” lives snuffed out for no reason but for the color of their skin — [Black]. It’s a color pigment not so easily blended into White America’s standard of acceptability. Which is a stark reminder of the horrors and outright negative breach in the justice system perpetrated by “some” in and out of government, as well as through many individuals ancestral involvement in the brutal and inhumane treatment of slaves, and the overall slave trade business.
Closing one’s eyes to the current injustice carried out on Black men won’t make the problem go away, it will only exacerbate the dilemma. Because, it is America’s non-existing [real] supportive stance on Black life, its policies on gun reform, and Washington, DC’s alignment with powerful gun lobbies that’s ultimately killing Black men (and all others in today’s society).
President Barack Obama himself was completely empathetic, honest, and dismayed by the killing of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch vigilante who was acquitted of Trayvon’s death. “Trayvon Martin Could Have Been Me,” said President Barack Obama. Signaling the unfairness of the system for not only the killing of Travon (a Black male) and the unfair and biased court verdict, but the long-list of innocent youth [who could have been him] murdered in this country because of the color of their skin – Black.
It’s not easy for me to write this article, as the tears fall from my eyes blurring the characters on the keyboard as my vivid and creative mind begin to crystalize. I can see and feel the unwarranted gun shots, and physical abuse of young and old Black men profiled and senselessly murdered in America. I can miraculously see the people running for their lives, screaming for someone to help and stop the perpetrator of a violent gun attack. (It hurts deeply as I lost a member of my own family by senseless violence, a half brother, on my father’s side, who was a police officer in New York City.)
For this, I can see the outcome of multiple young Black males lying on the ground smothered in their own life’s blood. Some crying and screaming out for their mothers or just for someone to take notice and render aid. And others lying lifeless as their blood spills out onto the cold, dark, and uncaring streets of America. All because of the color of their skin (Black), and a government’s lack of empathy and the gumption to act.
At times, I feel like climbing the tallest mountain and yelling out to God and ask him, why? Why must so many people suffer at the hands of another human, and especially our most fragile and venerable? A people who has experienced the most treacherous, discriminatory, and violent period in all human existence — “Slavery!” I just felt another voice was necessary as so many are tired of the long and arduous journey toward real freedom, self-determination, and righteousness.
Yes, I feel many voices are still essential as our government appears to be either blind or losing its hearing, sight, feeling, taste, and compassion for Blackness. I was once told that, “Courage is not the absence of fear but acting in the face of it.” So many have acted and died but we are in the same place if not worse. (From the day that we are born, we must continue to reach-upwards regardless of how many stars we acquire, there is always one more — Bruce T. Osborne, Sr.)
The laws in this country have been constructed and changed to fit the times and narrative for so many non-Black citizens in this land relating to problems of social, monetary, and political endeavors. So, why not in helping urban communities ravaged with gun violence and sky-rocking murders? The highest source of world laws has been altered to fit today’s dismal factions in this country and beyond. The laws I am speaking of are those contained in the “Holy Bible.” The moral compass for all humanity. God is the ultimate source for every word, and all things in the Bible. His words and laws are complete as they were originally recorded by humans, as His words flowed through them by the Holy Spirit.
However, over the years, man saw fit to alter God’s words and His actions to fit the times and meet their personal demands. Consequently, what’s so nefarious about amending Constitutional laws to fit today’s breaches in humanity and society? Why is it so difficult for humans to establish a consensus on equitable laws for all by making changes in the Constitutional Amendment(s)? Does Constitutional Law eclipse that of God’s Law? Our country requires change now. Change of a broken system which allows a segment of its population to be unjustly exploited, victimized, and murdered by guns. Guns made for war but used in a civilized society. It just does not add up.
Gun violence is personal and it devastates the Black community and society at large, eroding lives, families, and futures. It perpetuates cycles of trauma and fear, demanding urgent action for correction and healing. We must collectively advocate for change in the gun laws, how government treats its diverse citizenry, as well as protect our communities from the ongoing crime wave of gun violence.
Let us take a look at the statistics. Gun violence is disproportionately, as well as overwhelmingly killing people of color in a big way. In particular, Black boys (with minimal intervention from its government). Within the past decade, over 1- million Americans have been shot by a gun. In 2021 alone, there were 48,830 deaths related to gun fire. An increase of 8% from 45,222 deaths in 2020. Suicides accounted for 54% of deaths, whereas homicides accounted for 43%, with 1% being preventable and accidental.
It can unfortunately be said with a degree of certainty, that nearly every person living in this “Now Extremely Violent” country, either have someone in their family killed by a gun or at least know one victim of gun violence in their lifetime (>guns). Sad but true, another fact is that Black on Black Americans are killing one another in record numbers (because of the U.S. government’s inattention, poor housing, the lack of a “good” education, and the economic divide among many other shortfalls).
Blacks (ages 15 to 34) are experiencing the highest rate of gun violence and homicides across all demographics. They accounted for 34% of all gun homicides during 2022, though they represented just 2% of the total U.S. population (according to a study by John Hopkins University). Black Americans are more likely than their white counterparts and other ethnic minorities to die from gun violence and are three times more likely to be fatally shot by police than white Americans. (www.american
In 2020, 12,179 Black Americans were killed by guns, compared to 7,286 white Americans. Where is the outcry, the stoppage? All I hear these days is a bunch of empty shirts and skirts, and fat-cat politicians sucking up vital resources and getting paid. America, we can and should do better. Black Americans are tired of crying due to the unexpected murders of their children, the burials, news reports, the feelings of being hopeless and empty. “They want and need justice not tomorrow, but now, as firearm homicides risen to 46% from 2018 to 2022.”
The inner-city violence and murders, mass shootings in our schools, supermarkets, churches, synagogues, night clubs, the indiscriminate murders by random mentally challenged patients; gun toting children, teens, and America’s racist — when will it end? How will it end? What’s America’s plan? Or is this carnage part and parcel of a modern-day Armageddon (the last battle between good and evil) before the day of judgement?
Can we stop it from happening? I believe so, but we the people, the citizenry, and the government must work together to encourage children, youth, and teens as well as adults to slowdown, and look within and make a change. A sharp and consistent modification in our attitude toward race, color, gender, religious orientation, etc. As I am cognizant that our government is not a panacea, but it needs to do what is necessary to repair the ongoing problems in this country, and quickly. The alternative is to continue chasing today’s rainbows with absolutely, meaningful or positive results for correction, just more of the same.
Our government needs to fix the long-awaited mental health crisis through the creation of more mental health facilities; reduce or stop the violence in urban America by educating youth and treating all people the same. Additionally, we must develop “quality” housing and working with employers by giving them incentives for hiring and training Black Americans (especially boys) in long-lasting careers above livable wages with [real] opportunities for growth as “AI and Quantum Computing” threatens the future of everyone, particularly the poor and disenfranchised.
Schools across the country must have a uniform policy, that’s fair, and structured to teach from a curriculum that is beneficial to a student’s overall functionality and career interest (absent all the politics and especially now that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Quantum Computing has raised its technological head). This is how we begin to repair a broken system for starters. If done correctly, we won’t need bipartisan legislation on gun restriction — youth won’t have the desire for guns and its accompanying violence.
I am sure everyone must know that guns are not the sole problem. Guns don’t get up on their own and shoot people. [People kill people], and they do so because they feel a void in their life or they are mentally challenged. Take care of the citizens and most problems will dissipate. That means gun violence will be eradicated, as well as the appetite and demand for gun ownership. We can’t keep going on like this, and if we do the world won’t love us anymore and the people will call it quits.
When that happens, you think America has a problem now. Think again! “Let’s do something now.” If not for yourself, then for the children who will come after us. That’s what many of us live for anyway! The goal for all of us is not whether we live a rich and flamboyant life, but that of making a decent living and determining our own destiny free of discrimination and want. I believe it’s just that simple. Let’s stop the violence and ensure that the below image is not America’s and the Black community’s reality. It’s unacceptable to have to make the choice of causing deadly harm to another human being, regardless of whether the people involved are White or Black, whether in personal altercations, mass shootings, or gang violence. I pray for the day when no one will cross that line—ever again—in America or anywhere in the world.
Photo by Rock Staar
“THINK” before you pull the trigger on that gun! Because once it’s done, it marks the beginning of “YOUR” life to be lived in purgatory: a never-ending state of suffering and punishment at the hand of “Pure Evil.” It’s your ultimate choice. But understand that God loves you, and you have better options. [A good example of “purgatory while still living,” is a life in the unjust, filthy, violent, morally corrupt prison system, where people are murdered, maimed, raped, and just treated badly as a normal occurrence.]